Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ship Model Show: USS Constitution Museum

The 30th annual Ship Model Show will be on display at the USS Constitution Museum in Charlestown from Saturday, February 4 - Sunday, March 24! See over 100 models built by over 30 men and women. There will be several prize categories, including most popular, so cast your vote!

There will be free family focused activities open to the public, and hands on events and presentations during the school vacation in February.

Call 617-426-1812, ext. 146 or visit http://www.bostoncentral.com/events/exhibit/p7351.php for more information.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012 Kavli “Save the World Through Science & Engineering” Video Contest

Do you think we can save the world through science and engineering? Join hundreds of the world’s leading scientists, engineers, thinkers, and innovators as we tackle mankind’s greatest challenges and help to build our future.

The Kavli Foundation is challenging Grades 6-12 students across the world to brainstorm and share their ideas! This year's contest theme is inspired the National Academy of Engineering's Grand Challenges. The NAE recently asked some of the world's leading technological thinkers to  identify what needs to be done to  make people and  our planet thrive.

Students worldwide are invited to submit entries to the 2012 video contest, with cash awards and prizes for the top entries. The best videos will be shown at the Festival Expo during April 27-29, 2012, where hundreds of thousands of science fans are expected to gather in Washington, D.C.  The first place winner will also receive a travel stipend to attend the Expo.

Visit http://www.usasciencefestival.org/2012festival/contests/kavli-video-contest   to enter!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Summer research for HS students - Young Scholars Applications Now Available

The Young Scholars Program (YSP) is an intensive six-week summer research program at Northeastern University that offers future scientists and engineers a unique opportunity for hands-on experience while still in high school. Students work in active research laboratories alongside faculty and graduate students from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering. Through seminar series, weekly field excursions, career counseling, homeroom presentations, and access to university facilities, students explore potential STEM careers and get a real taste for college life.   The program is open to Boston area applicants who have completed either their sophomore or junior year in high school. It is a highly selective program, in which hundreds apply and less than 30 are accepted each year.

Please click here for the 2012 application.

 The deadline for submission is March 20, 2012.

For more information on YSP, please visit http://www.neuysp.weebly.com/  or contact youngscholars.neu@gmail.com with questions.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Free Boston Events and Opportunities


MFA Open House: Visit the Museum of Fine Arts on MLK Day for free admission for all! Children are also invited to pick up a copy of the book, “Greek Gods and Heroes” at the Huntington entrance while supplies last. Jan 16, 10am-4:45pm. 465 Huntington Ave. www.mfa.org


Seasonal Influenza Shots: Annual outbreaks of the seasonal flu usually occur during the late fall through early spring. Protect yourself by getting the flu shot. The Public Health Commission will be posting locations that offer free vaccinations. Visit www.bphc.org/flu to find a location near you.


Boston Centers for Youth & Families After School Programs: The BCYF Program Guide for 2011-12 is available online. Find programs from winter through summer for all ages including homework help, GED, basketball, volleyball, yoga, chess, computer class and more. Contact your local community center for more information. 617-635-4920, www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf

Youth to Health Careers Mentoring Program: The Boston Area Health Education Center is looking for students who are interested in pursuing a career in health. Mentors will work with students in everything from academic support and career exploration to leadership development and just having fun. 4 hours a month. FREE. Ages 13-18. 729 Mass Ave, 2nd floor, South End. 617-419-3402, lmika@bphc.org

The Record Co: TRC offers teens an in-depth look at audio production and professional record-making. Sign up for a FREE class to learn how to make beats, use microphones, and what it takes to create a high-quality recording. Classes are taught by young audio professionals in working commercial recording studios. Apply now. Classes begin Jan 23. 960 Mass Ave. 617-334-5098, www.therecordco.org

The Steppingstone Foundation: Take part in a free program that is designed to prepare Boston school children for educational opportunities and BPS exam schools, independent schools and college. Grades 4-6. Deadline: Jan 3. 617-423-6300, www.tsf.org

Year Up Paid Internship: Year Up is an intensive one-year training program for young adults ages 18-24 who have graduated high school or have their GED. Interns provide Fortune 100 companies like Merrill Lynch, American Express, and Bank of America with information technology entry-level talent. Deadline: Jan 12. 617-542-1533, www.yearup.org

The "Bank of America Charitable Foundation Student Leaders" Program: Currently seeking young motivated leaders to be part of its summer internship program. Students will learn how they can help shape their communities. Must be a high school junior or senior. Deadline: Jan 25. Application: www.bankofamerica.com/neistudentleaders

Boston PIC: A Private Industry Council Career Specialist can help you build your resume, improve your interview skills, match you to job shadow opportunities or connect you to a job. BPS high school students should visit their PIC Career Specialist at their school. 617-524-5224, www.bostonpic.org


Torch Scholars Program: Torch scholars receive full tuition, fees, and room and board scholarships for its Summer Immersion Program and eight subsequent semesters of undergraduate study. For students who have persevered despite difficult family situations, cultural barriers, and financial challenges. If you know a young person who may qualify, nominate her/him by Jan 15. www.northeastern.edu/torch/nominate

Yawkey Scholar Program: This program helps talented and motivated disadvantaged young people meet the rising costs of undergraduate education. A 4-year renewable scholarship is provided to high school seniors in MA planning to attend private colleges in MA. Awards average $12,500/year. Deadline: Feb 15. www.tpi.org/resources/yawkey_scholars_program.aspx

All information courtesy of Boston Youth Zone (http://www.bostonyouthzone.com/)

The 2012 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge is officially OPEN for entries!

Students in grades 5-8 can enter today for a chance to win $25,000, a trip to 3M's global headquarters to work alongside leading scientists, and the coveted title, America's Top Young Scientist.

Ten finalists will have an exclusive opportunity to work directly with a 3M scientist during a summer mentorship program. Each pair will connect virtually and work through an original project that the finalist will present at the final event in October.

Follow these 3 easy steps to enter:
1. Parents submit an online consent form at www.youngscientistchallenge.com.
2. Parents fill out a registration form and choose a username/password.
3. Students login to upload a quick 1-2 minute science video about a possible solution to an everyday problem.

For video topic guidelines, tips from previous winners and more, visit www.youngscientistchallenge.com.

Encourage your middle school student to enter today!

Questions? Email us at YSC@discovery.com