Friday, December 16, 2011

Looking for things to do over the Winter Break?

Open the images below to see a short listing of local activities and events happening during the school winter break!

Offerings include:
-The Museum of Science new exhibits!
-Theater shows
-sports programs
-Links for students to enjoy science games!
-First Night Boston FREE events
-and a listing of upcoming events

Enjoy your Holiday break by having fun while learning!

If you have a hard time viewing this and/or have questions, email the Center for STEM Education at:

Monday, December 5, 2011

National STEM Video Game Challenge

The 2012 National STEM Video Game Challenge is launched in partnership with Digital Promise, a new initiative created by the President and Congress, supported through the Department of Education. The initiative is designed to unlock the promise of breakthrough technologies to transform teaching and learning.

Categories for middle school and high school students.

What are the different Challenge Entry Streams?
Individual Entries:
Team Entries:
Make a game about any topic using any game creation tool. Limit of four (4) youth per team.

What are the prizes for each Entry Stream?
Each individual winner and each member of a winning team will received an AMD-powered laptop computer with game design and educational software.
Each winning entry will also earn an award of $2,000 for your school (or the non-profit organization of your choice)!